plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
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calling coyotes
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plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
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calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
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coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
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coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

plan a hunt

hunting coyotes
coyote call
coyote hunting tips
coyote hunting lights
coyote calling tips
calling coyotes
how to coyote hunt

More information on game animals and hunting trips

Big Game:       Bear | Bison | Caribou | Deer | Elk | Exotics | Goats | Hog | Ibex | Moose | Muskox | Oryx | Pronghorn Antelope | Sheep 

Predators:       Alligator | Bobcat | Coyote | Mountain Lion | Wolf | Wolverine

Game Birds:    ChukarDove | Duck | Francolin | Goose | Grouse | Partridge | Pheasant | Quail | Snowcock | Turkey | Waterfowl | Woodcock

Small Game:    Prairie Dogs | Rabbit

Hunting Trips:  Outfitters | Guides


Also known as the American jackal, brush wolf, or prairie wolf, the coyote can be found through most of North America and into Central America.  To date there have been nineteen different subspecies of Coyotes identified. They typically hunt in pairs of two; however have been found to travel in larger packs.  Coyotes live in burrows in the ground and flourish in areas not overly populated by wolves. Coyote sounds are easily recognized with their combinations of yelps, barks, and howls. 

Hunting coyotes can prove to be extremely challenging as they will often not come directly into a predator call or wounded animal.  Instead they frequently circle the area at least once to ensure it is safe prior to moving in to checkout any attracting noises.  Coyotes are considered a predatory animal and in most states a nuisance, as large numbers of coyotes can impact populations of other game birds, small game, and even deer herds.  Although considered by many to be strictly a carnivore, the coyote is a very opportunistic omnivore.  Depending upon the game and feed available a coyotes diet can change dramatically and include both fruits and vegetation.  In more residential areas coyotes typically feed on human garbage and even pet cats and small dogs.

Coyote Hunting

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